Friday, April 4, 2008

spring is here

i didn't post a challenge photo yesterday as it was an unplugged day for me.

thank you for the wonderful compliments. i'm still trying to figure out the best way to respond to comments. i didn't have to worry about that before. ;) when i got my first bloglines subscriber i was so geeked i told my husband i was going to make a button for the blog that said "serving 1 bloglines subscriber". hehe then if i ever got any more i could just put an X over it and make it a 2.

okay, enough babbling. off to enjoy the beautiful friday evening. hope you're doing the same wherever you are.


orange flower: sketchbook said...

Very nice photo! Wow, dandelions are going to seed where you are?! I am looking forward to spring, myself:)


Belinda said...

Love the photo - takes me back to being a young un' and pickin and blowing the little fronds (if that's what they are called) away!

Lorie McCown said...

Love the dandelions. Good to unplug too!