i absolutely love books. love reading them. love buying them. love the feel of them in my hands. love the look of them on my bookshelves, stacked on my endtable, on my desk, on my art table.
when i have spare money, i buy books. if i love it, it joins the shelves of my favorites. if i don't, i donate it to the library. in this small town sometimes our library doesn't have the budget for books that aren't on the bestseller lists.
i put my very favorite fiction books and my art/craft books in my libraything catalog (see right column). maybe one day i'll catalog the other books i have like the j.d. robb "in death" series, the science fiction ones by asimov and pohl, etc.
the books above are my favorite ones related to mental illness. except the jhumpa lahiri one. the title just seemed to fit so well. :D they are:
Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament Kay Redfield Jamison
Interpreter of Maladies Jhumpa Lahiri
An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness Kay Redfield Jamison
i especially recommend an unquiet mind.
hee hee, i've read those j.d. robb books too. guilty pleasure. i've been in a book club for six years with the same group of smart women. we have a blast. we've read so many different sorts of books. we take it pretty seriously and try to have an informed discussion every month. the books we do not like usually bring about the most interesting discussions. it is a great way to socialize while actually learning something. sometimes we will even have food or drinks taken from the theme of the book.
i meant to give you a link so you could see what we have read. here it is: http://www.uyfamily.net//irvinemoms/
I love Sylvia Plath's poetry and prose!
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